Friday, November 9, 2012

Impending Catch-Up

Day 6

Perhaps rather unconventional...and though I am still behind, on Day 6 I am thankful for my fantastic boss. Not only does he keep me constantly entertained with the things that he says and does, but in his own way he really encourages me to keep pushing myself towards success and the life that I want. In the past, I never really received much fatherly advice from my Pop, but now that he cannot offer me fatherly advice, I have found pieces of fatherly advice in the workplace. Everyone needs someone to keep them on their toes, keep them moving forward, stop them from making excuses...and while I am that for my boss, he is also that for me. For that, I am eternally thankful. Without that, I would not be considering the next major choice in my life. On a side note, I am thankful for his awesome wife and equally awesome children. I am lucky to know such an amazing family.

No awkward "boss/employee" photos. So I leave you with this:
taken from his backyard, coincidentally.

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