I'm not sure that we ever say the right thing or make the right gesture.
I'm not sure that we aren't constantly disappointing each other.
I'm not sure that we aren't constantly disappointing ourselves.
I am sure, however, that we are learning every single day.
I am sure that tiny pieces of life reveal themselves to us daily.
If you say that you don't learn something new everyday, you are lying.
Each day shows us something new: about ourselves, about other people, about life, about our surroundings.
Isn't that beautiful?
There are days when I'm not sure where I belong.
There are days when I'm not sure who I belong with. Many, many days.
There are days when I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be.
But then there are those bright and beautiful days...
the days that reveal to me secrets about myself and about the universe.
These days tell me that I am exactly where I belong.
These days tell me that I am the best version of myself in this moment.
These days tell me that life is beautiful, forgiving, abundant, and overflowing with love and light.
As the sun caresses my skin with its warmth
and the music tickles my soul with its sweet melodies,
I feel concrete.
I feel certain.
I feel right.